Monday, 2 October 2017

Developing Leadership

Leadership at Canford is not all about “commanding” but much more about “influencing”. Different types of leaders use different styles and indeed people respond differently themselves. Part of the skill of leadership is recognising how to approach individuals and teams alike in order to optimise the efficiency and energy and there is no richer environment than an active school such as Canford with its wide spectrum of activities from which these lessons can be drawn.

We aim to imbue our pupils with a sensitivity, a confidence, an ability to communicate and a perception that enables them to make a difference and pull together disparate elements into one cohesive team so the result is greater than the individual sum of the parts. Every pupil is encouraged
to take on a significant role as a leader at some point, normally in the Sixth Form, but any forum; house plays, the CCF, in the classroom, running a club, fundraising activities will all leave those involved with a heightened sense of what it takes and add to their skillsets as they embark upon their exciting lives.

Among the ways in which we foster these skills:

  • Development of leadership qualities ranks highly within the Canford assessment criteria. In the grade descriptors for the three weekly assessments which pupils receive, the top grade is awarded to those who achieve not only above target academic progress and excellent effort, but who also show leadership within the classroom. 
  • Important leadership qualities are actively encourage within all houses. Pastorally, Sixth Formers act as House prefects and are responsible for running various different areas of House life whether on the social side or taking a role in pastoral issues and for helping to settle the juniors each evening. 
  • The CCF offers a rich environment for the pupils to cut their teeth as leaders, starting right at the beginning where the activities all encourage confidence and adventure. Certainly the Norway Cross-country skiing expedition pushes the cadets to their limits but in doing so multiple lessons are draw from the experience where we see pupils supporting and encouraging each other in adversity. Ten Tors training and competitions adds further to this.
  • Through Sport, pupils are given opportunities to lead their peers and develop teams to their full
    potential alongside coaches. The leaders of sports teams should display confidence and strength of character to address their teammates when some may prove disruptive and unfocused during training sessions. A real leader will have the courage to challenge a friend’s behaviour, however difficult this may be.
“Leaders don’t create followers, Leaders create more Leaders”

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