Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Why Independent Education matters

The ongoing tirade against independent schools in much of the national press has gathered pace in recent times and seems to be actively nudged and encouraged by politicians and journalists across the spectrum.  Even poor performances by the national football team have been attributed to the ‘over dependence on the 7% of pupils who attend private schools’ in the press. Such criticism is both unreasonable and unfounded.

Exam results open doors for the future for young people and therefore remain a key feature for future selection to higher education and the world of work.  At GCSE/IGCSE the number of A*/A grades awarded to independent school pupils in 2016 was 60%, three times the national average, while at A Level the number of entries awarded A*-A grades was over 50%, twice the national average.

This is not just a focus on the academic high flyers. Extensive and ground breaking research by Durham University published in 2016, which analysed over one million independent and maintained sector pupils’ test scores to GCSE gathered across two decades, found that ‘When student differences such as prior ability, socio economic status and average performance of a pupil’s school are taken into account, attending an independent school adds the equivalent of two additional years of schooling by the age of 16’.  In international terms that would mean that if all UK pupils performed to the level of those in the independent sector then the UK’s educational profile would rise above the highest European performers (such as Finland and the Netherlands) and would be on a par with the highest rated school systems globally.  

The enhanced academic performance extends to the Sixth Form too where DFE figures show that 37% of maintained schools add value compared to 94% of independent schools in Independent School Council (ISC) associations.

The offer rate for university applicants from HMC and GSA schools has increased steadily since 2011 and outpaced the equivalent figures for state schools. For example, Russell Group offers in response to applications from independent school pupils rose from 75% in 2013 to 80% in 2016 and Oxbridge offer rates have remained stable.

And what of the world of work?  According to recent research, 82% of independent school pupils gain a First or 2:1 degree compared to 73% of state school students, and many of the latter are from very selective maintained schools. Research by a number of institutions, including The Sutton Trust, highlights that independently educated young people move on to earn significantly more and secure high level jobs far out of proportion to their numbers.

You may have read also about the Government’s Green Paper entitled ‘Schools that work for everyone’. The ISC has just submitted a powerful and factual response which clearly demonstrates not just the positive economic and financial impact made by independent schools, but also the comprehensive and imaginative engagement of the independent sector with meaningful partnerships between independent and maintained schools. These partnerships make a real and lasting difference to young people across the board. We are very proud of Canford’s community partnership programme which was cited specifically on several occasions within the ISC report.

I am constantly astounded by the depth of talent and creativity our pupils possess, their sensitivity and humility, their confidence and purposefulness.  They say people make places, and this is certainly true at Canford.  The passion and commitment of Canford’s staff, and the strength of the working relationships they have with the pupils, combines powerfully with the spectacular range of high quality opportunities we offer, whether these be academic and intellectual, physical or creative. In turn, this ethos and vibrant learning environment ensures Canfordians develop the aspiration, ambition, curiosity and confidence which, together with crucial ‘soft skills’, constitute the raw ingredients for a fulfilling and successful life.

Monday, 13 February 2017

The Importance of Good Tutoring

Energetic and effective tutoring can change a pupil’s educational experience and life as much as high quality classroom teaching or co-curricular coaching. The needs of each individual pupil will be different, as will the needs of pupils at varying stages during their school career.  The tutor is a critical figure in helping your child to reflect on their educational journey and their learning in a frequent and focused way.  The tutoring system is also fundamental in improving communications in the parent/child/school pastoral triangle.

While it is impossible to be too prescriptive about the role, good tutoring is characterised by excellent individual knowledge of each tutee and a genuine concern for his or her wellbeing and success. Tutors need to get to know their tutees well and be fully aware of what they are doing, how and why, and also what they are not doing and why. Such awareness is essential to facilitate effective tutoring.

In part, the tutor's role is to acknowledge, praise and positively reinforce when pupils achieve both personally and, as so many do at Canford, at a school-wide, regional or national level.  But it is also crucial that pupils are encouraged to seek guidance and support when things seem to have gone off track – as will almost certainly happen on occasion throughout their school careers.  Through building a relationship based on productive and measured communication tutor and pupil can work together to identify the real extent of an issue – whether that be in terms of swiftly resolving a passing anxiety or perhaps identifying something deeper.

Time is pressured in our schools and teachers very often have many different hats to wear.  However I believe the role of the tutor should be a major priority in order to offer pupils that individual support within a broader educational context.  At Canford, it is the glue that binds together all of those key elements that constitute the education we offer.